What distinguishes stage hypnosis from hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy Au
3 min readJan 8, 2022

Most people have heard of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, which is great… but some expect it to be as if it was media coverage and especially because of the addiction on stage.
You see people on stage and they are made to do stupid things … like barking like a dog and eating green onions like an apple… yum!

Two things should be kept in mind…
1. People are volunteering to go on stage.
2. Volunteers do a few suggested tests. At that time weeded out people who were really unwilling or unwilling to put themselves to sleep.
After all, a stage hypnotist wants to make sure that their work will be easy.
Here’s the thing … with hypnosis, you can never do anything against your beliefs or your behavior or do anything you wouldn’t do in a state of full consciousness.

So, for example, if a stage dancer would suggest you take off your clothes and dance in your underwear in front of everyone, you will only do it if you feel comfortable doing something like that … and there are plenty of people. who!
Stage hypnosis is just for fun. Although with hypnotherapy, hypnosis and other techniques are used for therapeutic purposes.

What people want to know about hypnosis and hypnotherapy
The most frequently asked questions about hypnosis and hypnotherapy for people, who have never been aware of it, are:
• Is it real?
• Am I in control?
• Do I know?
• Will I tell you my secrets?

I can answer yes to all the questions you ask, as long as you tell me what they are!
This is because, with best hypnotherapist gold coast we gain consciousness (you can use any word, they are the same) mind to transform unwanted and bad habits, fears, fears and deeply ingrained belief systems.

So, what exactly is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, concentration, and concentration. That way, we can pass on the sensitive, analytical mind and communicate directly with the unconscious part of the mind. in a deep sleep.

We all face hypnosis as part of our daily lives. Have you ever watched a movie or read a book and focused so much that you lost it all the time? Have you ever driven on a highway and arrived safely but do not remember passing any encounters? Do you dream during the day? We all do these things.
Every time you feel hypnosis, you tend to go deeper for the first time when you want to know what is being said and you don’t want to miss anything.
I can see that people may feel a little nervous if this is the first time they have received the best hypnotherapist gold coast so I always take the time to answer any questions and walk at a relaxed pace with my client.

Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness. It is very safe and natural in the hands of a professional, trained, and registered hypnotherapist… like me! All you have to do is sit back, close your eyes and listen to my voice.

Deep, amazing relaxation …
It is really good that the body and mind can relax deeply and it is a lovely experience. I also go for hypnosis and always do self-hypnosis because the benefits are so great.



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