Myths About Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy Au
4 min readDec 23, 2021

Hypnosis. A concept shrouded in a thousand guesses and a thousand more guesses. Some endow the hypnotherapist with supernatural powers. Others fear hypnosis like fire, and therapists are considered practically voodoo shamans or even worse.

Therefore, before talking about the benefits of hypnosis, it is worth figuring out what you know about it, and whether all this information is true. Let’s get started? I will immediately call these postulates myths, because most of them, if not completely untrue, then at least turned upside down!

I’ll start from afar. Once he lived in Austria, and then in Paris an interesting doctor — Friedrich Anton Mesmer, who is also a theologian and mystifier. He treated girls from hysteria, and later from other diseases, just by applying a magnet to them. He believed in its healing properties and certain fluids that heal.

Well, really, these are the methods a person had! And the most unusual thing is that they worked. Most people did get well.
He called his discovery the method of “ animal magnetism”, began to travel with him to cities and treat people, even opened his own school in Paris.
Something worked, he even had a crowd of followers-mystifiers, who told amazing tales about magnetism and the incredible powers of Mesmer himself.
The most interesting thing is not this: Mesmer achieved the best results when he introduced a person into a kind of trance. Patients can see into the future and reproduce the past in this state of sleep or trance, he wrote. The action of their senses extends to any distance and in all directions, regardless of any obstacles. “
Due to the fact that he could put people into a trance and heal their mental illnesses, Mesmer believed that he was the chosen one and would be able to transfer his power to his followers.
This he did and did not even think then that all his successful healings did not come from the influence of magnetism or some kind of pure energy, but from the fact that he was able to introduce a person into the first near-hypnotic state.

They thought about this much later, at the beginning of the 19th century. And it was then that the path of evolution of hypnosis began from the pseudoscience of magnetic fluids to something independent and far from mystical.
But this is surprising: it was the hoaxer Mesmer with his extravagant, not everyone understandable ideas, who considered himself practically a god with his magnets, who gave the first impetus to the development of such a useful and unique method as hypnosis.
You are probably waiting for an answer, why is a hypnotherapist considered almost a magician? This is directly related to the story above! The fact is that for too long ordinary people believed that when you put a person into a trance — this is some kind of magical action, everyone can not do it. And that you need to have special abilities, like Mesmer. After all, his doctrine had a lot of followers, and mostly charlatans, who spread the message to the masses that magnetism is a miracle, and it works!
And although they later proved hundreds of times that this was not so, very few people wanted to believe it. So it remained — hypnosis is magic, Hypnotherapy Gold Coast is magic, and who is the hypnotherapist? Right!

The hypnotherapist uses techniques to induce special trance states, but it is the person being hypnotized who creates the hypnotic state.
A modern hypnologist, or hypnotherapist, is a specialist, a real professional, prepared in advance for the session and helping his client. But you don’t need to get any secret knowledge for this, we don’t go to Tibet to study with monks. :)
The hypnologist helps the client to draw attention inward, to achieve a hypnotic, or trance, state. This is very similar to deep meditation, but it is achieved many times faster, without lengthy self-preparation, as in the case of meditation.
As a result, the client activates the relationship of the conscious and unconscious mind, and he is able to solve the existing problem in an optimal way.

My child does not want to study! Why do you think this is happening?
Is the child too lazy? He doesn’t care? Competition?

This — a feeling of inferiority and worthlessness, as if you were still doing something — is not right because someone can do better. And when the total self-esteem drops, the student doesn’t even want to try because he’s frustrated.
“That’s why you don’t even want to start, and that’s what laziness looks like.”
Then there is a reason to stay at home and everyone will relieve him of his studies — the student comes up with diseases, excuses not to have to study.
Although in fact all this, only because the child feels inferior. Treatment should begin with self-cultivation.
Try hypnosis for children! Contact Hypnotherapy Gold Coast



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